Now updated for XP12.09 with Auto-Save settings!
This script is enhancing the X-Plane 12 visual experience and provides a set of options which are carrefuly selected and adjusted for their direct and visible changes. The main goal is to achieve a more realistic rendition inside and out, while at the same time trying to correct some of the most glaring limitations of X-Plane 12 rendering engine. This script is only modifying a few datarefs at runtime in order to improve, among other things, the following: exposure, tone mapping, white balance, sky, atmosphere, volumetric clouds and night lighting.
The script also handles mettering and auto-exposure in order to try reaching a better balance between brights and darks when in-cockpit, to get closer to the sunny 16 rule when outside, to maintain a consistent level of exposure whether zooming the view, or to maintain a natural change of exposure when looking from darker to brighter places.
Note: The script requires XP12 v12.06+ and only changes private art datarefs. These datarefs are subject to change between versions and are meant primarily for the sole use of LR. This script might therefore not work entirely as expected with future XP12 versions.
1) Download and install the latest FlyWithLua
2) Copy the lua script to the FlyWithLua scripts folder:
The script offers a settings window which can show up automatically when the script loads, otherwise in using either this menu or command:
Menu: FlyWithLua > FlyWithLua Macros > RealityXP X-Plane 12 Enhancer...
Command: 'RXP/Utility/Enhancer/toggle_window'
This mod also includes a set of XP12 loader background images shot in 4K.
This mod is released under the MIT license.
Special thanks to Q8Pilot for his review.
Special thanks to Furax84 for his review in French (with before/after comparisons)
Reviews and Showcases
How to Fix Dark Cockpits and Overexposed Sky in X-Plane 12 by X-Crafts
How to Fix the Dark Cockpit in X-Plane 12 | RXP XP12 Enhancer (video)
X-Plane 12 FlyJSim Q4XP KHVN — Night Flight with RXP XP12 Enhancement (video)
IXEG 737 | LIMF - LIEE | X-Plane 12 Time-lapse | RXP XP12 Enhancer (video)
XPD: No more Dark Cockpits in XP12 (video)
[ Tuto X-Plane 12 ] Améliorez la lumière avec RXP XP12 Enhancer (video)
KFXE-MMUN landing AKD G550 XP12
Please make sure to read additional informations in the included readme.txt
Note: screenshots hosted on may appear darker. They're all included in the add-on package for off-line review.
This addon just blows my mind. Once you try this, you'll never be able to fly without it. Kudos to the author for such brilliant work!
Is there a new update?
I have the X-plane 12 latest version it doesn't work. Is there any update for the latest version
After adding this rxp-xp12-enhancer.lua into FLywithLua, Script, When XP12 is open, the file goes to quarantine. Any fix for the XP12 updated?
after commenting the mentioned lines in the lua script, it starts without errors, but the window where there should be settings is empty. Is there a fix for that available?
I've uploaded a fixed version to my GitHub here:
I did upload this on the X-Plane forums and there was a bit of a misunderstanding which resulted in me receiving warning points (they've now been reverted) due to copyright violation. I just want to call out for any users here, or possibly admins of, that the LUA script file explicitly states that it is under the MIT license which permits modification and distribution as long as the original copyright and license are preserved.
testpatatepoil 5 month(s) ago
Thank you!
But instead, create a script that makes the simulator even uglier, and laminar research will buy it from you at a premium price.
ArtFlyer 5 month(s) ago
@colinm9991 Very many thanks for the fix. It's great to have RXP back again (XP12.1.2). Cheers : )
Hey folks here's a detailed fix for XP 12.1.1.
First, move the LUA file out of quarantine, back into the original scripts folder.
Second, open your favorite text editor, and search for the following strings. The numbers in parentheses are the exact line numbers where you'll find each of the strings, which may be easier for some of you.
Finally, comment out each of these 7 lines (using a double-hyphen, i.e. "--"), save your edits, and then reload X-Plane.
All credit goes to colinm9991, who already posted this info below - I'm just being a bit more precise in my answer here.
slundal 6 month(s) ago
Thank you so much for this!!
colinm9991 6 month(s) ago
Thank you for detailing these steps better than I did. I was reluctant to upload a file as I don't wish to become responsible for maintaining this, but have decided to share my version (with some further tweaks), with a disclaimer.
Hopefully it's approved and I'll begin sharing.
ifonline 6 month(s) ago
I tried this but it doesen't seem to be working, how are the hyphens supposed to replace the lines? if possible could you add a download for your .lua?
FatherAnolev 4 month(s) ago
Add the double hyphens to the start of the line. Don't replace the line.
laminar research is no stranger to stopping script development.
They don't like anyone touching their creations...😉
Hello, Please update the file. Otherwise, it doesn't work with new update Xplane 12.1.1. Or you lost your Stars 😀
I was hoping to come on here and see this script updated to work with X Plane 12.1 but sadly not yet.
Please update the script!!!! Its a must have for Xp12!!!!
Please update 12.1 version.
The issue with this script and the latest X-Plane version is that some datarefs no longer exist or have been deprecated.
The dataref causing the failure is sim/private/controls/fsr/rcas_attenuation
This exists around like ~680 and is used elsehwere in the code.
I've removed this locally and tested that it now works. However, unfortunately there are some additional datarefs that no longer exist which may cause issues.
These are the additional missing datarefs, although they don't cause the script to be quarantined.
rxp_xp12_enhancer_lut: dataref not found new_clouds/shadow_blur_size
rxp_xp12_enhancer_lut: dataref not found new_clouds/shadow_kill_blur
rxp_xp12_enhancer_lut: dataref not found water/enable_refraction
willnosm 6 month(s) ago
nope, still getting quarantine
FatherAnolev 6 month(s) ago
Thanks! This worked for me!
For those still having trouble, here's the exact text to search for (and the line numbers where you'll find them):
So just move the LUA file out of quarantine, comment out each of these 7 lines (using a double-hyphen, i.e. "--") and then reload X-Plane.
Water has a horrible, unrealistic color without this script and a lot of other things that have gone wrong again. I really hope we will get the script updated. One of the best things for XP12. Simply must have! PS: Turquoise color of water was actually caused with Auto Control of Water Deep by Visual XP ))
testpatatepoil 6 month(s) ago
Yes you're right, but if the sim dev knew what they were doing, we wouldn't need add on,
They're sure we're still in the 90s.
When I see blurred decord to hide what they are unable to put beautiful....
How do we contact the developer? When is this going to be updated?
We really need an update for 12.10
When update? Best plugin dead?
In version 12.10 4 beta, the script is sent to quarantine.
I really hope it gets updated for 12.1.0 - its a MUST HAVE addon!
FlightSimulator101 8 month(s) ago
Hopefully they do update it!!! I'm eager to try volumetric lighting in 12.1.0.
flying_hero 8 month(s) ago
Yeah, I tried to fix it myself but yeah... I am to stupid for lua scripting 😀 haha
I am getting this errors:
"FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file C:\X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/rxp-xp12-enhancer.lua
FlyWithLua Error: Wrong argument to function XPLMGetDataRefTypes, expecting a single userdata as a reference.
FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file C:\X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/rxp-xp12-enhancer.lua
FlyWithLua Error: The error seems to be inside of script file C:\X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/rxp-xp12-enhancer.lua
FlyWithLua Info: 2nd Moved Bad Script to C:\X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts (Quarantine)/rxp-xp12-enhancer.lua
FlyWithLua Info: Load exit file.
rxp_xp12_enhancer stopped
Wait for 12.1 compatybility