
Aircraft Additions


4.25 STARS

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X-Works A330-900 NEO mod For Laminar A330-300

A330 NEO mod with Fully remade wings, engines, and fairings Custom wing flex, reverse, flaps, slats, speedbrake, and gear door animations. ...


I am proud to bring to you the X-Works A330 NEO mod for the X-Plane 12 A330! 

This mod includes:

Fully remade wings, engines, and fairings

Custom wing flex, reverse, flaps, slats, speedbrake, and gear door animations

This is a step in the way to the creation of a fully standalone A330-900 for XP12!

Huge thanks to Greyfoxx for doing an outstanding job modelling the engines, wings, and texturing the engine. 

 NEW! To disable the rear sat com by default, in the objects folder: rename "NoSatcom.png" to "Satcom.png"

Duplicate the Default A330-300 folder

Drag and drop the mod into the copied folder, overwriting when prompted

macOS: Manually drag and drop each mod folder's contents into the corresponding folder in the copied A330



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A330NEO A339 A330-900 X-Works A330 X-Works A330-900NEO
October 11, 2022
Zuletzt aktualisiert
2 year(s) ago — 1.0.3




241.35 MB



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4.25/5.0 — Gut!
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Airbus A330-300

Basierend auf 12 Bewertungen


  • Aktualisiert auf Version 1.0.3

  • Aktualisiert auf Version 1.2

  • Aktualisiert auf Version 1.0.2

  • Aktualisiert auf Version 1.1

  • Initial File Release



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© Greyfox, Mathster, Laminar Research - All rights reserved. Jeglicher Re-Upload oder Weitervertrieb dieser Datei ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung des Autors ist untersagt. Diese Flight Simulator 2020 Mod wurde erstellt von Greyfox, Mathster, Laminar Research and shared in Aircraft » Aircraft Additions für X-Plane 12.

88 Kommentare

Used to work fine, but then I had to reinstall Xplane along with the mod. Now when I try to overwrite the file, it doesn't work

does this work for xp11?

whenever i load up the game, the game crashes with no error message. i do not know if i did something wrong but to install it i dragged the contents of the mod into the copied a330 folder and replaced things when i was prompted.

Everything is great, but stairs is too low(

the game crashed

Is it possible yall make a custom fmod for the A330neo?

I got some problems with the speed brakes, it doesn't work. Does any one know how to fix it?

Hello! When I install the mod it says something about the airfoils. What do I do about this?

Please add this same Wingflex and Condensation to the Toliss Airbus A340-600

Does anyone know how to open the PAX and cargo doors?

Allow me to correct myself and provide a better constructive review of the a330neo

well despite my grief over the XWorks design a330neo, I decided to reconsider that there were potential errors made on my end that contributed to my poor experience with the Freeware. Sure enough it turned out that it was, I failed to understand how the Autopilot and Auto Throttle systems were operating for the Aircraft which lead to some miscalculated maneuvers with the Aircraft. So my most humble apologies' there.

So overall despite not finding a comfortable landing speed on my approaches kml, this Aircraft is a SUPERB freeware Airliner designed by yours truely Mathster.

No thanks to those that bashed me for my honest mistakes, but Most definitely thanks to Mathster, I was mastering this Aircraft every step of the way.

This Freeware will only get a Perfect Sorce (5/5 stars) if it had a Paint Kit package lol.



1 year(s) ago / Gedankt von Mathster

Love the mod and the attention to detail like the engine covers. When is the next drop due? I notice Laminar have updated the acf for the default A330 in 12.06b4. Cheers. Keep up the good work 😊

Will they create some irs for this mod?



2 year(s) ago / Gedankt von Mathster

Love the mod! Are you planning a zibo level mod for the a330

with many errors, the engines fail and the simulator crashes, update

Why is the wing flexing on the ground

I have a problem after I increase the thrust of the engines, the simulator crashes with this error

pid controller integral is nan! v=nan

I could not install the plane , I climbed everywhere , I did not find where I threw planes before , in this case the game did not work!

hello, how do I install the Mod?

I was doing a flight with the aircraft and while I was at cruise, the throttle of the aircraft became unresponsive to my throttle quadrant. Might want to push out a push for this unless it's an issue with Laminar's base A330.

Diese Artikel befinden sich derzeit auf der Liste und werden in Kürze bearbeitet!
Vorschläge, Bugs und Ideen für die Zukunft.

  • Version 1.0.3 April 11, 2023

    Added compatibility with XP12.05b2 and A330 MCDU!

  • Version 1.2 January 01, 2023

    Aupdated paintkit

  • Version 1.0.2 January 01, 2023

    added KA2517 SatCom
    adjusted the fuel consumption to -900 level
    added coverages for the engines when batteries are off
    overhauled winglets
    added Airbus NEO House Livery
    adjusted wingflex to release version of X-Plane 12
    adjusted behavior of the speedbrakes to release version of X-Plane 12
    fixed the bugs where the glasses of nav- and landing-lights were fully opaque
    fixed minor bugs with landing-, nav-, and strobe-light position and direction

  • Version 1.1 November 29, 2022

    X-Plane 12 Beta 14 compatibility!
    Major texture upgrades to the wings and flaptracks
    Modified fuel capacity and engine performance numbers, you should get similar range to the -900 NEO now.
    Bug fixes

  • Veröffentlicht October 11, 2022

    Die erste Version dieser Datei wurde gerade veröffentlicht. Willkommen an Bord!

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