Hello everyone!
After several days perfecting my combination of ReShade shaders to achieve beautiful visuals without significant FPS losses, I've decided to share my preset with you so you can visually enjoy X-Plane 12.
This preset was created in ReShade 6.1.1 and X-Plane 12.1B6. For those using VisualXP, from my personal experience, both plugins are incompatible. I had to remove VisualXP from my plugin list to use ReShade, and the result is fantastic. You'll have a motion effect when moving the camera, a very subtle bloom that goes unnoticed but makes a difference, contrast corrections, and a light photographic filter that, when combined, looks incredible.
Additionally, I also use Night Lights and Atmo X, which tends to slightly improve the atmosphere.
Depending on how modified your simulator is, it may look a bit different, but overall, I believe it will work well for most users.
- List of Shaders Used:
ArcaneBloom [ArcaneBloom.fx]
CShade_KinoVignette [Kvignette.fx]
FGFx::LSPOrIr [FGFxLargeScalePerceptualObscuranceIrradiance.fx]
LiquidLens [Liquidlens.fx]
prod80_02_Cinetools_LUT [PD80_02_Cinetools_LUT.fx]
prod80_04_ContrastBrightnessSaturation [PD80_04_Contrast_Brightness_Sat.fx]
UnrealLens [Unreallens.fx]
Unsharp [Unsharp.fx]
vort_Motion [vort_Motion.fx]
Have fun!
ReShade 6.1.1 does not start with X-Plane 12.1 b6
Ignaciobuiatti 7 month(s) ago
It does work, if you're running on steam make sure you enable this launch parameter: --allow_reshade=0
FrAl 7 month(s) ago
I have a normal pc installtion and renamed the shortcut with "C:\X-Plane 12\X-Plane.exe" --allow_reshade... its work, but after starting x-plane i have ctd
nice preset. My sim crashes upon spawning at the airport using the v 6.1.1 and 12.1 b6. Any fix for that please?
Ignaciobuiatti 7 month(s) ago
Make sure you are not causing conflict between two plugins or more, that happened to me when using ReShade + VisualXP so i had to delete VisualXP. Maybe you have more plugins in conflict!